
110 of 26 items

Sunday, June 2: ONE WORSHIP SERVICE @ 10am

by Trina Kleist

Jesus tells us: Be One! One. Unified. That’s how Jesus wants his followers to act. Love each other, and be one. Jesus prayed this prayer for us just before he left this earth. He must have known how hard it gets for us humans to follow those two seemingly simple commands! “The glory that you […]

Sunday, May 26: Listen to Jesus’ voice!

by Trina Kleist

We’ll hear him say: Peace! When we listen to Jesus’ voice, the first word we hear is – Peace! Next, we hear: Don’t worry. Have no fear. Love one another. Feel the peace that I give you. Not peace as the world understands it. My peace. Perfect peace! “Peace I leave with you; my peace […]

Sunday, May 19: God’s orders? ‘Love One Another!’

by Trina Kleist

Jesus shows uts how to love one another! When we love one another, everything changes. No matter what troubles we suffer, no matter what fears we face. God’s love fills us. That love changes us. It spills out into the world. And – most amazing of all – the whole world changes!  “I give you […]

Sunday, May 12: Good Shepherd Sunday!

by Trina Kleist

Let Jesus Shepherd You Today! Shepherd imagery abounds today: Jesus is the Good Shepherd who takes care of the sheep. We are like sheep, whom God has given into Jesus’ care. Like sheep who know and trust their shepherd, we know Jesus’ “voice” when he calls us away from danger and toward our highest good. […]

Sunday, May 5: Breakfast of Champions!

by Trina Kleist

Have breakfast with Jesus today! ONE WORSHIP SERVICE @ 10am Breakfast was probably the last thing Jesus’ friends expected from him. Their teacher and friend had died a humiliating death. A few of Jesus’ women followers – and even a couple of the men, too – had told this strange tale of seeing Jesus alive. […]

Sunday, April 28: Share God’s Peace!

by Trina Kleist

Jesus offers peace – Will you take it? Peace from God isn’t like peace from this world. That’s what Jesus’ followers still couldn’t grasp, especially after Jesus’ spectacularly violent and humiliating death on a cross. Then, Jesus rose from the dead. He brought his frightened friends an exhilarating greeting: “Peace be with you!” God’s holy […]

Sunday, April 21: Easter Surprise!

by Trina Kleist

Easter Message: He is Risen – Alleluia! Easter brings, first, confusion and fear. Jesus’ own followers wrestled with their doubts. Even people who knew Jesus had a hard time seeing God’s amazing truth. New life for all – worked out through the very darkness and death that plague us.  “He is risen!” “He is risen […]

Sunday, May 13: God protects us from the Evil One!

by Trina Kleist

And, Happy Mother’s Day! When evil pounces, God is there with us – but that doesn’t mean God makes it all go away! Jesus knew his followers would draw attack and even suffer divisions within their ranks. Evil is a part of this world. So he prayed to the Father, “Protect them!” “I ask you […]

Sunday, April 22: Children’s Easter program!

by Trina Kleist

Yes, it’s still Easter! And part of the Easter season is “Good Shepherd” Sunday, observed today at PEACE. At both the 8:30 & 11 a.m. worship services, Youth @ PEACE – our all-ages children’s program – will present “Easter Devotions with Papa Luther.” We continue to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Luther’s Reformation by focusing […]

Sunday, April 8: Doubt is Easy, Faith needs God!

by Trina Kleist

When doubt clouds, ask God for faith! One Worship service @ 10am on Sunday, April 8 – Doubt arises in our minds easily and naturally. It sure did for Thomas, one of Jesus’ closest followers. When his friends came to him with the story that Jesus had risen from the grave, Thomas defaulted to doubt. […]