“Rwanda has prioritized a decentralized health care system. This accounts for Rwanda’s success in combatting the pandemic.” – Agnes Binagwaho, Former Minister of Health, now at Harvard Medical School
Community Clinics making a difference
Community clinics in Rwanda are playing a critical role in protecting the health of local communities, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pacific Institute of Community Organizing (PICO) Rwanda leaders have begun construction of their third health clinic that will serve 20,000 families in Nyarubuye. Many of the more than 1,000 people who committed to provide labor are already hard at work. The clinic is being built on land that was secured in negotiations with local political leaders. In advance of construction, community and government leaders are conducting a health education campaign focused on the Coronavirus. The Mumeya and Rusumo clinics, constructed by PICO Rwanda leaders and serving rural communities, are providing the public health infrastructure that is the key to success in combatting the pandemic. Because of this community-based approach, Rwandans enjoy the world’s highest level of trust in their health care system. Rwanda also ranks among the world’s leaders in containing the spread of COVID 19. PICO Rwanda leaders are using their networks of relationships to check in on vulnerable families and provide food and needed support.
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