The face of Christ in Rwanda

The Rwanda Connection Committee meets every other month on the first Sunday of the month.    

The Rev. John Rtinsindintwarane helps people organize to improve their lives in Rwanda. He'll speak at the "Celebrate Hope in Rwanda" feast at 5pm Sunday, May 20.

The Rev. John Rtinsindintwarane helps people organize to improve their lives in Rwanda.

We have enjoyed a unique and personal connection with Rwanda ever since Pastor John Rutsindintwarane (“Pastor John”) first visited our church in 1999 to share his vision for reconciliation and restoration of community in that war-torn nation.  He was one of five church leaders who founded the Lutheran Church of Rwanda (LCR) following the horrendous genocide of 1994. For more ABOUT PASTOR JOHN click [here].

The primary purpose of the Rwanda Connection Committee is to support and encourage Pastor John and his work and ministry in Rwanda, the Lutheran Church of Rwanda, and any other project or program that may demonstrate our love and care for the people of Rwanda.  Currently, these include the following:

  1. We organize an annual WALK for RWANDA Trail-a-Thon to raise funds for Pastor John’s work and ministry.
  2. We provide a full 4-year scholarship for Pr. Jackson Musafiri at Iringa University in Tanzania to earn a BA in Theology.
  3. We sponsor student, Niyozima Aurore, to attend Rwamagana Secondary School (founded by John’s wife, Robin Strickler).
  4. We host annual visits at the church by Pr. John and occasional visits by others such as Bp. Mugabo of LCR and Robin Strickler of Rwamagana.
  5. We help support payment of school costs for children of Pr. David Ntidendeza of the LCR.
  6. We offer Fair Trade Products for sale at church and special events.

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