In-person worship services are Sunday at 10:00 am.
A Worship Style to Fit you
At PEACE, we know people have different needs for feeling the presence of God. We hope that our services – whether in-person or online – will help you feel the closeness of God.
One Service at 10 a.m.
We bring our whole congregation together into a single worship experience at 10 a.m. Our music blends the styles heard in each service. It’s a good way for people to make friends with folks in the “other” service! And, it reminds us that, this is Christ’s church!
Did you know that Johann Sebastian Bach was a Lutheran who composed for his church?
Our Bible readings come from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), which presents the Word in vibrant modern English.
This worship service lasts a little more than an hour. Some people like to dress more formally for this worship service, but you will see all styles of dress. Jeans and tennies? Shorts and sandals? It’s all good!
Structure of the Service
At all our Sunday services, worshipers will receive a program with the order of service and current events at the church. Most of the material you will need is in this program.
All Sunday services follow the same pattern: God Gathers us together, and gives us his Word to teach us how to live a new life. God gives us a Meal to renew our spirit and remind us of his covenant with us. Then he Sends us out into the world to serve in his name. It’s a pattern Christians have used for a long time to help us feel God’s presence and to grow in his love.
Our Sanctuary
Our sanctuary’s design puts God’s holy altar at the center of our worship experience. The modern architecture, high ceiling and ornamentation behind the altar give many people a sense of the Holy Spirit swooping through the space. Cushioned pews will make your worship experience comfortable.
In front of the door, you’ll see the baptismal font (the place where we baptize people). When you walk past it, you can dip your finger into the water — it’s been blessed! — and touch the water to your forehead. Some people like to make the sign of the cross on their forehead. The baptismal font reminds us that God washes us clean with his love and brings us close through baptism.