The Ashes of our Egos
ALL events at PEACE Lutheran Church, including Sunday and Lenten worship services, are canceled until further notice. Please do your part to slow the spread of the coronavirus!
In the meantime, please use these resources to nurture your spiritual life at home. If you need pastoral care, please send an email to
“I repent in dust and ashes.” – Job 42:6
Lent is a time of reflection on our flaws – and also of hope in God’s enduring promises of love and forgiveness! We invite you to join us at PEACE Lutheran Church as we journey together in this walk of faith.
Ash Wednesday — A moving start to the season of Lent! This year, that’s Wednesday, Feb. 26. Worship services with imposition of ashes at 12 p.m. at Grass Valley United Methodist Church & 7 p.m. at PEACE Lutheran Church.
Free Lenten Soup Suppers & Prayer Services — We support each other’s Lenten journey and celebrate God’s promises in community every Thursday evening in Lent. This year, that’s Thursday, March 5, 12, 19 & 26, and April 2 & 9 (Maundy Thursday). We would love to journey with you!
Soup Suppers start at 6:15 p.m. each Thursday; we share a simple meal of home-made soup in the Fellowship Center. Lenten Prayer Services start at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary at PEACE Lutheran Church. Maundy Thursday worship also starts at 7 p.m. on April 9.
Remember, it’s about God’s love for you!
We all “fall short” – after all, we are only human! We are supposed to try our best, and we do – most of the time! But inevitably, we get angry with a spouse or a child. We lose our patience. We cut someone off. Generosity, compassion or courtesy get lost amid some small irritation. Our natural selfishness wins some small battle. It’s all too human! Christians around the world use the time of Lent to reflect humbly upon these failings, and to resolve, with God’s help, to do better.
It’s not about beating up on ourselves. It’s about being honest, and asking God to forgive us and help us. God looks for “a heart that is tender and pliable to God’s word,” as comments.
My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. – Psalm 51:17, NRSV
Promises: At PEACE, we will spend every Sunday in Lent learning about God’s promises to love us no matter how ugly our failings might be. But we will also see how God calls on us “die” to the old ways that led to the uglies, so that He can “resurrect” us into a new life walking His path.
Take it deeper
Lent is a great time to take your spiritual journey a step deeper.
Readings for Lent: A great place to start this process of humble reflection is Psalm 51 of the Bible, written by King David after committing adultery and murder (yikes!). If God could forgive and continue loving David after that, don’t you think He will forgive and keep loving you? (If you need extra reassurance about God’s love for you, please call the office to speak to our pastor! Click here for the Contact Us page.)
Need a Bible? Ask for a free one at the church office or when you come on Sunday morning. Lots of Bibles versions also are available online. Click here to get started with Psalm 51.
Lots of devotions are available with a focus on the deep, spiritual work of Lent – all as we prepare for the redemption of Easter. If you would like a free Lenten devotional (a small pamphlet with guided Bible readings & prayers for each day), pick one up at the church office. On Sunday mornings, you can get one at the welcome desk in our main lobby.
Are you a teen or have a teenager in your life? Ask for the special devotionals for teens.