PEACE’s Mission Endowment Fund keeps giving
Click on the ‘Give’ button below to donate to PEACE’s Mission Endowment Fund. Choose the fund from the drop-down menu, and give using your credit card or bank account. You can even set up recurring donations.
Thank you for your generosity!
The Mission Endowment Fund of PEACE Lutheran Church provides the opportunity for people to donate in a special way. It’s a great way to make donations in memory of loved ones that will ensure your gift will keep on giving.
PEACE’s Mission Endowment Fund is an independently managed investment fund. It has its own board of directors, composed of PEACE members. Donations made to the fund stay in the fund; interest earned by the fund is given to projects in our community and in our world that further the mission of spreading God’s Good News of love and hope for all people. The fund is a part of PEACE, but with its own board, policies and procedures.
To apply for funds, download the Request Form, CLICK HERE.
Local organizations that have received MEF grants include Hospice of the Foothills; Anew Day low-cost, faith-based counseling center; One Source Empowering Caregivers, a volunteer respite care program; Women of Worth services and shelter for domestic violence victims; the Salvation Army and Hospitality House homeless shelter and social services. Farther afield, other recipients include Mt. Cross Camp Lutheran Ministries, in Felton, Calif.; and World Bicycle Relief.
MEF’s Board makes grants four times a year, on a quarterly basis. Funds are available depending on the performance of the investments, and the grants vary from year to year.
Create a Legacy: Donate to MEF
Online Donations are processed through Tithely, our secure, online giving portal. Click the GIVE button. In the drop-down menu, choose “Mission Endowment Fund.” Or, ask to speak to someone on the MEF Board by calling the PEACE office, (530) 273-9631.
Apply for MEF Support
If you would like to apply for a grant through PEACE’s Mission Endowment Fund, click on the link below for the Mission Endowment Fund Request for Funds. Print out the form and mail it back to PEACE at the address on the form.
Or, ask to speak to someone on the MEF Board by calling the PEACE office, (530) 273-9631.