Thank you for being “souper” this year!
Each February, Youth @ PEACE participates in a nationwide campaign to support local food pantries. It’s called Souper Bowl of Caring, and it’s timed to the Super Bowl.
The original idea was, if everyone who watches the Super Bowl would give just $1 to support a local food pantry, we could go a long way toward “tackling hunger” in our communities.
This year, PEACE youth stood in our church Narthex, holding up soup pots and asking for donations of money and nonperishable food items. We broke all our previous records:
The generous people of PEACE Lutheran Church gave $1,995 and donated 81 food items! THANK YOU for loving our neighbors in this way!
Our collection was sent to Interfaith Food Ministry, in Grass Valley. PEACE is one of about 20 area faith congregations that supports IFM with volunteer labor and financial and food donations.
Across the country, more than $9.5 million has been reported so far to have been collected for local food pantries!
Click here to learn more about our Youth & Family Ministry at PEACE Lutheran Church.