And, Happy Mother’s Day!
When evil pounces, God is there with us – but that doesn’t mean God makes it all go away! Jesus knew his followers would draw attack and even suffer divisions within their ranks. Evil is a part of this world. So he prayed to the Father, “Protect them!”
“I ask you to protect them from the evil one.” – John 17:15
But look closely at today’s Gospel lesson: Jesus doesn’t ask God to take his followers “out of the world” to escape evil. He doesn’t say we won’t suffer for our faith. That’s because God needs us to be faithful right here, in the world, in the midst of evil.
So, we stay in this world, sharing the Good News of God’s love for all people – even you! We share the Good News of Jesus, who shows us the way, lifts us up when we fall and redeems us – again and again – when we fail. We still become victims of “the evil one” – our own weaknesses, perhaps, or the weaknesses of others, or just plain tough times. But God gets us through it.
Our earthly challenges will continue. But God’s arms wrap around us. Jesus walks with us. And at the end of our journey, God takes us to himself – guaranteed!
We are an Easter people! We proclaim faith as a gift, priceless beyond anything we can imagine! We want you here with us to grow in faith, to sing, to feast and to praise our loving, generous God. He pours out His redeeming, transforming love on all who seek Him – even you! At PEACE Lutheran Church, we know you will find the faith and peace the God offers you. Celebrate with us at 8:30 or 11 a.m. worship services this morning.
Holy Father, my Mighty Protector, fill me with trust that I am always safe in your arms, no matter what happens! Amen!
Read more about the season of Easter here. (Yes, we continue to celebrate Easter here!)
Today at Peace
Today’s Bible readings: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Psalm 1; 1 John 5:9-13; the Gospel of John 17:6-19. Read them here.
The Rev. Eileen Smith Le Van preaches today.
Your spiritual growth
Like natural seasons, our church seasons have a special meaning for our spiritual growth. For us, it’s still Easter. For the next several weeks, we celebrates new life: Our faith in Jesus’ loving sacrifice and victory renews our lives here on Earth and assures us of eternal life with the Triune God after our own earthly deaths. God wants to pour out that abundant life and love on you, too!!
Adult Bible Study
“Reconciliation in Rwanda.” Jim Line leads our Adult Form this morning. He’ll talk about the reconciliation process that followed the Rwandan genocide, drawing from the book by Catherine Claire Larson, “As We Forgive: Stories of Reconciliation from Rwanda.”
“If forgiveness is possible after genocide, then perhaps there is hope for the comparably smaller rifts that plague our relationships, our communities, and our nation,” wrote publisher Zondervan.
The Adult Forum meets in the Old Fellowship Hall at 10 a.m. most Sundays. Stop first in the Fellowship Center around the corner to pick up coffee & baked goods!
Sunday School
#FlatJesus – Learn that Jesus walks with us even during summer vacation! Plus, we continue our story about the Prophet Elijah. Meet at 9:45 a.m. downstairs in the Youth Room.
Youth @ PEACE is our all-ages Bible study, where young disciples learn the core stories of our faith and what it means to walk the Jesus Path. We welcome all who yearn to learn about our loving, gracious Creator.
Toddlers & babies
Kids in church: PLEASE bring your young children to church! Their fussing and squealing may pain you, but they make us glad! Pick up an activity bag as you go into the Sanctuary (on the left in a basket, ask an usher). During the sermon, you can take your kids to our Nursery; a speaker is turned on so you can hear the sermon and follow the service.
Toddler Time: If you’re interested in our special Sunday School program for the tiniest of disciples, call (530) 575-6132 for information.
Happening at PEACE
- Monday Bible Study – 1:15pm in the Conference Room. We’re studying our faith ancestors and their amazing stories set down in Genesis.
- Celebrate Rwanda! – Sunday May 20 @ PEACE. 10am-5pm, Asante African Bazaar. 5-7pm, “Celebration of Hope in Rwanda” Feast, featuring African cuisine. Tickets are $10 per person, $5 for children 12 and younger, and may be purchased at the church office.
- Family Kayak Day – Saturday May 26 @ Sugar Pine Reservoir. Call for information, (530) 575-6132.
Check out PEACE’s online events calendar.
Office Hours – 8:30am-12pm & 12:30-3:30pm Monday through Thursday.