More this week about children! We can start to see the pattern in our Gospel stories recently: First, Jesus tells us to believe in him with simple, open acceptance of a child. At the same time, Jesus also seems to ask us grown-ups to care for the little ones – anyone who is weak or vulnerable. (Compare this week’s lesson to the story two weeks ago.)
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” – Mark 10:14
In Jesus’ time, society held children in low esteem. Also, men could easily divorce their wives – but that left the women completely defenseless and unsheltered. In today’s stories, Jesus seems to be telling us to take care of each other, no matter how we perceive the “other’s” status.
That’s because Jesus loves the little ones, whoever they are! And, we are called to live our lives like Jesus did!
Merciful, compassionate God, please help me to accept your lavish, uplifting love with the simplicity and trust of a child! And lead me to care for your little ones. Amen.
Today at Peace
Today’s Bible readings: Genesis 2:18-24; Psalm 8; Hebrews1:1-4, 2:5-12; Mark 10:2-16. Read them here.
Preaching today: The Rev. Bill Wong. We are so happy to receive Pastor Wong as our interim pastor while we transition to a new, settled pastor.
CHURCH PICNIC! If you’re interested in coming out to our Annual Church Picnic, please let us know! It’s at 12pm today at Lake Wildwood.
Need pastoral care? Please call the office at (530) 273-9631. We’re in Monday through Thursday, 8:30am-3:30pm; closed for lunch 12-1pm.
Coffee Fellowship: Not today, sorry! Instead, we’ll see you at the Church Picnic!
Your spiritual growth
Like natural seasons, our church seasons have a special meaning for our spiritual lives. For us, we are in “Time After Pentecost,” a season of growth followed by harvest – much like fall!
Sunday School
NO SUNDAY SCHOOL TODAY! We resume next Sunday, Oct. 14.
We (usually) meet from 9:45-10:45am Sunday in the new Youth-Family Lounge.
Youth @ PEACE is our all-ages Bible study, where young disciples learn the core stories of our faith and what it means to walk the Jesus Path. We welcome all who yearn to learn about our loving, gracious Creator.
Toddlers & babies
Kids in church: PLEASE bring your young children to church! Their fussing and squealing may pain you, but they make us glad! Pick up an activity bag as you go into the Sanctuary (on the left in a basket, ask an usher). During the sermon, you can take your kids to our Nursery; a speaker is turned on so you can hear the sermon and follow the service.
Toddler Time: If you’re interested in our special Sunday School program for the tiniest of disciples, call (530) 575-6132 for information. It’s available starting in the fall.
Happening at PEACE
Monday Bible Study – 1pm in the Conference Room. We’re studying our faith ancestors and their amazing stories set down in Genesis.
Harvest Pie Sale – Sunday, Oct. 14, after each worship service. While they last! Sales benefit the projects of PEACE Lutheran Church Women,.
Silent Movie – 4pm Sunday, Oct. 14. Walt Strony will perform music to accompany “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” Lon Chaney’s 1923 silent thriller. It’s free, but any donations will support our Organ Fund. Stay for the free reception afterward! Produced by Arts @ PEACE.
Lunch & Dinner Groups – Every September, new groups form to meet during the year for lunch or dinner. It’s a fun way to meet new people at PEACE or get to know folks better. Sign-up sheets in the Atrium. Our organizational Potluck Dinner is 6pm Monday, Oct. 29.
Check out more events on PEACE’s online calendar.
OFFICE HOURS – 8:30am-12pm & 1-3:30pm Monday through Thursday.