Then, come have breakfast!
Jesus nourishes us, especially when we are tired and hungry and scared and not sure what to do next.
After Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared a third time to his followers, John’s Gospel tells us. This time, a bunch of them had been out fishing all night, but they hadn’t caught so much as a minnow. They saw this man standing on the shore who told them, “Throw your nets over to the right side.”
The fishermen were shocked: They hauled their nets back in, teeming with big fish, and the nets didn’t even break! “It must be our Teacher Jesus!” one of them realized. And it was – but what was their dear Jesus doing? Making them breakfast – how ordinary, and yet, how deeply meaningful.
Jesus calls to us today: “Throw out your nets! Catch some fish! Be amazed at what happens next!”
At PEACE, we welcome all those who yearn to be amazed. Let’s go fishing together!
“Come and have breakfast.” – John 21:12
Pastor Eileen Smith LeVan preaches today.
Today’s Bible readings: Acts 9:1-20; Psalm 30; Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19
Coffee Fellowship
We Lutherans really enjoy our coffee & baked goodies, so please, come have breakfast with us! After each worship service, we gather in our Fellowship Center for refreshments and conversation. Come make new friends!
Adult Bible Study
Becoming a Good Samaritan. Today, we start a 6-week series to help us seriously ponder the ways Jesus is calling each of us, as individuals and as a congregation, to care for our neighbors in need. Led by Pastor Eileen Smith LeVan
Youth @ Peace Sunday School
The story of Easter continues! Jesus gave his friends a “New Covenant.” What on earth does that mean? Plus, we’ll consider how we are called to care for those who are hungry. Meet @ 9:45 a.m. downstairs in the Youth Room.
Youth @ PLC is our all-ages Bible study, where young disciples learn the core stories of our faith and what it means in our lives. Bring your questions, doubts and challenges to God, the Bible and the Church – they are welcome here!
Bible memory verses: Kids can earn Bible Bucks for verses they memorize and redeem them for cool prizes! These days, we are working on the Lord’s Prayer and the 10 Commandments.
Coming up at PEACE
- Women of Peace Annual Retreat – Saturday, April 16. Our theme is Isaiah 40:31, “…they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength…” Our speaker is Holly LaChappelle, who describes her mission as “leading people to Jesus’ transformational heart healing and unconditional love!” Our retreat is at the beautiful and serene Mercy Center in Auburn; cost is $32. Sign up in the Atrium.
- Spring Spud Spectacular – Our annual baked potato luncheon will be hosted by Youth @ Peace and benefit ELCA World Hunger. NEW date: 12:15 p.m. Sunday, April 17, in the Fellowship Center. Cost is $5 for an organic baked potato, toppings, chili (meat & vegetarian), dessert & punch. Enjoy food & fellowship! Sign-up sheets to attend & to donate items are in the Atrium.
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