“I am asking… on behalf of those whom you gave me.”
In the gospel for this coming Sunday, we hear Jesus praying that God protect us for our life in the world. We join with Matthias, the newly chosen disciple No. 12, to witness to Christ’s resurrection.
Today is the seventh Sunday of Easter. This Easter time continues to encourage us to consider how Jesus shows up in the lives of his followers — including us!
Today’s Bible Readings: John 17:6-19; Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; 1 John 5:9-13
“That they may be one, as we are one.” — John 17:11
Fair Trade products on sale today: One way we witness to new life in Christ is by supporting commerce that ensures people get a fair wage for their work. Fair Trade-certified coffee, tea, chocolate bars, nuts and other products guarantee payment of a dignified price to farmers in the program. Look for the table in the Old Fellowship Hall (on your way to get coffee & baked goods!) after each service.
Nepalese Earthquake Relief: If you would like to make a donation to the Earthquake Relief, please place it in the offering with a note on your envelope, or on your check.
Adult Bible Study
We will not have an adult class between services this Sunday, to allow time for a congregational meeting in the Sanctuary regarding a candidate for senior pastor of PEACE.
Sunday School – “What happens when Jesus shows up?
Confirmed youth are encouraged to attend the congregational meeting in the sanctuary during the Sunday School period today.
Meanwhile, younger children will be welcomed in the Youth Room downstairs. Bring your malaria coloring pages you got on May 3. We’ll write short letters to children in Africa and ask the ELCA to send the coloring sheets to a place where malaria continues to be a problem. Our letters will encourage the children who receive them to have hope, as we share our own faith. This activity concludes several weeks of awareness about malaria and ELCA efforts to eradicate it.
We’ll also talk about the post-Resurrection stories and how Jesus shows up in the disciples’ lives. During this tine after Easter, we are asking: How does Jesus show up in our lives today? What are the ways Jesus asks us to “show up” with his face in other people’s lives — like children threatened by malaria?
Our theme this Sunday is “Share the Good News” and Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit.
Memory verses — earn your Bible Bucks!:
- “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.” – Mark 16:15
- Jesus told his followers: “Remember, I am with you always.” – Matthew 28:20