Sermons tagged with ‘Holy Spirit’

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Holy Trinity – May 30, 2021

The Sunday of the Holy Trinity refers to a Christian understanding of God, who is One, but whom we meet in three distinct persons: Creator, Savior, and Spirit (or more traditional as Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Christians believe in a God of love. And love can only exist when there is relationship between two […]

Holy Trinity Sunday – June 7, 2020


For this First Sunday after Pentecost, we remember the ways we experience God as The Holy Trinity. We experience God in many ways and a way describes God’s relationship with us is through the Trinity. More than a doctrine, the Trinity expresses the heart of our faith: we experience the God of creation made known […]

Sixth Sunday of Easter – May 17, 2020

For this Sixth Sunday of Easter, we continue to proclaim the Good News, “Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!” Today, we hear Jesus speak to the disciples and us that he will give us an Advocate, who will be like Jesus. This is the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus comes to […]

How Do We Show Our Love for God?

Many ways for us to show our love for God! Text: John 14:23-29; read it here. Sixth Sunday of Easter As he gets ready to leave his followers, Jesus challenges them — and us — to show our love for God. He doesn’t give a lot of specifics. “If you love me, you will keep […]

Baptism is Dangerous!

Uncomfortable. Threatened. Panicked. Even scared. We should be uncomfortable when it comes to baptism. We should be panicking when we really think about the power that is release by the Almighty when His Spirit comes to action in our lives. We should be even more scared when God drops down on us with the Holy Spirit.