Vocalists John Simon, left, and Judy Kenney will perform seasonal music accompanied by Walt Strony, rear. Organist Kathy Jensen, right, will perform six solos — all during the free December Mini-Concert at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18, at Peace Lutheran Church, 828 W. Main St., near downtown Grass Valley.
Mini-concerts offer Relief from the Rush!
Free half-hour mini-concerts at PEACE offer a musical retreat that lets you connect to the real meaning of Christmas.
This music will evoke a contemplative state of waiting and watching – the traditional mood in the weeks before Christmas. It’s a time we call Advent, which means, “the Christ Child is coming!”
We would love to help you reconnect with the spirit of Christmas! These mini-concerts offer an antidote to the hype and hysteria of commercial holidays.
After each concert, we invite you to stay for a short prayer service starting at about 6 p.m. The format of Holden Evening Prayer is a natural-feeling continuation of the evening’s mood. Through music and song, we give thanks and praise to our Creator.
Inspiring Organ Music by Kathy Jensen!
Mini-concerts start at 5:30 p.m. every Wednesday in December before Christmas.
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 18: A Vocal Duet! Judy Kenney and John Simon are accompanied by Walt Strony on the grand piano. Plus, organ solos by Kathy Jensen!
In addition to accompanying our vocal duet, organist Kathy Jensen offers six works of inspiring solo music during our mini-concert. Kathy explains:
“I am playing four contemporary pieces. The first is an arrangement of ‘O, Come All Ye Faithful’ by Edward Broughton (1934-2015). Two pieces are from Gordon Young (1919-1998), titled ‘Chorale Prelude on “Cradle Song” and “Noel Joyeux.”‘ Various Christmas tunes are combined in ‘Noel Joyeux.’ The listener will enjoy trying to see how many he or she can detect within the piece!
“I am also playing ‘Ellyllon’ by Hans-Andre Stamm. He is a current composer, born in 1958. The piece sounds very mystical and depicts the antics of an elf.
“The last two pieces are classical. ‘From Heaven High to Earth I Come,’ by Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706). The last is a secular work, but I chose it because it announces something special. It is called ‘Fanfare,’ by Jacques Lemmens (1823-1881). By playing ‘Fanfare’, I am announcing the miraculous event: that of the newborn king, the Christ child, coming to us at Christmas.”
These mini-concerts are PEACE’s offering to our community in observation of Advent. During this season, we wait expectantly for God to act in our lives.
Christmas Eve Worship at PEACE
Sunday Worship Services at PEACE