Try qi gong with us!
Qi gong literally means “life energy cultivation” – an exercise for body, mind and spirit.
Classes start at 8:45 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at PEACE Lutheran Church, 828 W. Main St., near downtown. We ask for a donation of $4 per person per class, and scholarships are available. For more information, contact Sue Steger, 530-477-1096.
Qi gong is pronounced “chee-gong” and is related to the ancient Chinese martial art of ta’i chi – but goes back even farther.
Lots of research shows the benefits of this “wellness art.” People who practice it are proven to fall less, have stronger heart-lung systems and healthier psychological states. Other benefits include overall better physical function, healthy mood and enhanced healing for many maladies.
Also at PEACE, we host exercise classes and offer fellowship through many small groups.
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At PEACE, we believe our spiritual lives form the foundation for everything we do in the material world.
For more about activities at PEACE Lutheran Church, click here.