Jesus invites you to get lit!
When someone says, “that’s lit,” these days it means something is cool or pleasing or maybe even exciting. A somewhat older meaning is that a person is quite drunk, as in, “wow, he was really lit.” Both these meanings have in their background the idea of light, of shining brightly, of being on fire – though not necessarily “on fire” in a good way!
Jesus invites his followers to get lit with the grace and power and healing and hope of God. We don’t get lit by ourselves, but by opening our hearts to God’s spirit working in our lives. St. Paul would say we can’t even open our hearts to God by ourselves – but we can earnestly and humbly ask God to be generous in lighting us up with His Holy Spirit.
Today’s Gospel lesson is about a man who gets lit in this way. He had been blind from birth, but Jesus heals him. When the religious big shots hear about it, they are outraged. Why? Because Jesus had healed this man on the holy day of rest. !!!
This blind-man-lit-up suddenly has the eyes to see that Jesus comes from God. He tries to explain to the big shots, but they don’t want to hear. They are blind in a spiritual sense, and deaf, too!
“I am the light of the world.” – John 9:5
Wouldn’t you like to get lit? Light up with us at PEACE Lutheran Church as we beg God to open our hearts to his love. God lavishly pours out his light even on folks like us!
Worship this morning
Today’s Bible readings: 1 Samuel 16:1-13; Psalm 23; Ephesians 5:8-14; John 9:1-41. Read them here.
The Rev. Eileen Smith Le Van preaches today.
Happening at PEACE
- Lenten Soup Suppers – Join us at 6 p.m. every Thursday through April 13 (Maundy Thursday) for a simple soup dinner. Then, at 7 p.m., we’ll all head over to the Sanctuary for a short but moving Lenten Worship Service. Read more about Lent here.
- Spring Spud Spectacular – 12:15 p.m. Sunday, March 26. Just $5 for an organic baked potato with all kinds of toppings of your choice, plus salad, chili, beverages & Leprechaun cake! You can help a wacky teen-ager go to camp and deepen his & her faith this year! Look for sign-ups in the Atrium.
- Contemplative Prayer – 12:30 p.m. Mondays in the Library (Room 2 in the Education Wing). Experience deep peace and connection to the Divine in this 30-minute period of silence. Hear the “still, small voice”! Conducted by Pastor Eileen.
- Women’s Retreat – 9am-2pm Saturday, April 29 at Buttermaker’s Cottage, Penn Valley. Our theme is “Prayer,” presented by Pastor Virginia Ward. Cost is $20 and includes a box lunch. Sign up in the Atrium.
- Coming Up – Learn more about events at PEACE here.
Adult Bible Study
The Adult Forum meets in the Old Fellowship Hall at 10 a.m. Pastor Eileen leads. Stop in the Fellowship Center around the corner to pick up coffee & baked goods!
Sunday School
Bring your questions, doubts and challenges to God, the Bible and the Church – they are welcome here!
Meet at 9:45 a.m. in the Youth Room downstairs. Young people of all ages are welcome!
Youth @ PEACE is our all-ages Bible study, where young disciples learn the core stories of our faith and what it means to walk the Jesus Path. This spring, we are learning about the ministry of Jesus and how we can apply His words to our lives (yes, it’s possible!!). We welcome all who yearn to learn more about our loving, gracious Creator!
Bible memory verses: Kids can earn Bible Bucks for verses they memorize and redeem them for cool prizes! Our goal is for young people to bring God’s word deep into their hearts, supporting a lifetime of faith.
Toddler Time
God welcomes even the tiniest of disciples! Toddler Time is for all children from babies to 4 years old. Parents are welcome to stay and participate, or leave their little ones and attend Adult Forum.
We start out with music in our all-ages Sunday School opening at 9:45 a.m., downstairs in the Youth Room. Then, parents and tots head upstairs to the Nursery. Our 45-minute “Frolic” curriculum is fun for children and parents. Call Youth & Outreach Coordinator Trina Kleist at (530) 575-6132 to learn more.