
110 of 22 items

Sunday, April 7: Give up to get more

by Trina Kleist

ONE WORSHIP SERVICE TODAY @ 10am. We get waaaay more from following Jesus than anything we can gain by following the ways of this world! God slakes our thirst when we wander in the wilderness of confusion, pain, loneliness, fear and despair. If we follow the path that Jesus shows us, the Creator of the […]

Sunday, March 31: God loves even a wasteful child!

by Trina Kleist

God loves the wasteful and the obedient alike! People remember the story of the prodigal son. It rings so true to us today, still! The word “prodigal” means recklessly wasteful. The wasteful son, like us, squanders the gifts his father gave, gifts given with love, without question, the result of long, hard work. When the […]

Sunday, March 24: Repent – Because I love you!

by Trina Kleist

Repent – so I can love you fully! “Repent” means “to turn back.” God’s people keep forgetting who they belong to, who loves them, who cares for them, who protects them. So God keeps sending prophets – and finally Jesus – to get his beloved, stiff-necked, wayward People to turn back to God. Jesus told […]

Sunday, March 17: Jesus – Like a mother hen?

by Trina Kleist

Jesus gathers us like a mother hen gathers her chicks! The mother hen sees the hawk circling, and she gathers her chicks under her wings. She puffs up her feathers to spread them out. All her chicks can find room to hide from danger. Jesus told them, “How often have I desired to gather your […]

Sunday, March 10: God’s Spirit leads us!

by Trina Kleist

The Spirit leads in every wilderness God’s spirit always goes with us, even when we traverse the wilderness. Especially in the wilderness! Jesus was led by the Spirit in the wilderness. — Luke 4:1 Even Jesus had his wilderness times. But God’s spirit led him even there, through hunger, thirst and temptations from Satan himself. […]

Sunday, March 25: Celebrate Palm Sunday!

by Trina Kleist

Grab a palm, Praise the Lord! Palm Sunday marks the start of Holy Week with a fun and rousing procession of palm branches. Meet in the Atrium to get your palm & song sheet. That’s right, we’ll go in singing praises, just like that day so long ago. Our palms and song remember Jesus’ triumphal […]

Sunday, March 18: Die to bear fruit!

by Trina Kleist

Jesus’ message poses a puzzle: If you want to really live, you have to die first. Huh? People didn’t understand him back then, either, by the way. They were expecting a different kind of leader, one who would overthrow the Roman occupiers. But Jesus used stories like this one to help people understand that the […]

Sunday, March 11: God’s Love, Our faith!

by Trina Kleist

The starting point for everything: God’s love for us! God’s love – it’s the core of absolutely everything we believe as Christians. Love so big, so deep, so strong that nothing can overpower it. Not anything. Not ever! Our faith becomes the only possible response to that utterly amazing, redeeming, transforming love. “God so loved […]

Sunday, Feb. 25: Get ready to lose your life!

by Trina Kleist

Is this really the life you want, anyway? Jesus’ idea about life might surprise you: Lose it to find it. And what you find will be way, way, way better than anything you imagined. Life for God. Life for others. Life fuller and sweeter than whatever you thought was so much fun before you lost […]

Sunday, Feb. 18: Invite Jesus into your wilderness!

by Trina Kleist

Are you tired of navigating the wilderness alone? It’s all too human to think we can go it alone. Family, friends, job, education, interests, passions, political ideals, economic constructs – we think those are the things that comfort, sustain and protect us. And then, those things let us down. After all, they’re only human, or […]