Summary: For this Third Sunday of Easter video worship experience, we continue to proclaim the Good News, “Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!” Today we recall another Easter Day story when two followers of Jesus, Cleopas and a traveling companion, were on the road to Emmaus. The resurrected Jesus appeared to these two followers of Jesus, who didn’t initially recognize Jesus. In this encounter, Jesus revealed himself through scripture and the breaking of the bread. What does this story tell us about ourselves and our relationship with the risen Jesus Christ? Like Cleopas and his traveling companion, we too, are on a journey, which we know and experience as life. While on this journey, how will we experience and see the risen Jesus Christ?
Third Sunday of Easter | April 26, 2020 | Pastor Bill Wong
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Blessings and keep your distance so that we together, along with our neighbors, can stay well.