Harvest Dinner: Food, Fun & Fellowship
October 9, 2022
Sign up for an evening of food, fellowship, thanksgiving, and entertainment at our Fall Harvest Dinner! The 2022 PLC Harvest Dinner is planned for Sunday, October 9 at 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Center. The evening will include dinner, wine and beverages, fellowship, and music. This fun and lively evening will be a perfect time to invite a friend.
A wonderful dinner team, headed by Connie Berg, is planning a delicious dinner. A mix of fellowship activities and music will entertain. Look for sign-up sheets in the Atrium for the following:
• Dinner, at $15/person, $30/family – please leave a check in the envelope provided or drop it off with our office manager Cathy Chmel; proceeds will cover the dinner and go toward the PLC mortgage.
• Setup/kitchen crew – set up and decorate, cook, serve, clean up We want everyone to come. Need help with a ticket or a ride? Please contact Cathy Chmel for arrangements.
Any questions? Please see Connie Berg or Conni Barker about tickets/dinner and Elizabeth Hammond about the fellowship program.