Easter Sunday – He is Risen! At PEACE, we celebrate Jesus’ conquest of death — and our new life in him — with music and song at both worship services (8:45 & 11 a.m.) on Sunday, March 27. Music will be grand, celebratory and inspiring, featuring guest musicians and the roaring Peace Choir. This is a day when we sing some of our most rousing, inspiring hymns.
You might find people greeting you with the happy words, “He is risen!” You may respond with, “He is risen indeed!” It’s a long-time custom on Easter Sunday.
A light brunch will be served between services and an Easter egg hunt at 12:30 p.m. will be offered for the children. Both events are in our Fellowship Center.
Every year, we celebrate Easter as renewing our faith in the new life we receive by being followers of Jesus — God-made-flesh here on Earth. Though we will die a physical death, we believe that — while we remain here — our lives are transformed by God’s lavish, all-forgiving love, making us instruments of his love in a sad and broken world. After we die, we believe we will be transformed again to live forever with God, basking in His light.
To learn more about Holy Week and Easter, click here.