Sure, Sunday is for church. But what do you do in the middle of the week, when you need to feel God in your life???
Take a moment to quiet your worries and turn your mind to the infinite compassion, the lavish love, the extravagant peace our Creator offers you!
Contemplative prayer helps you refocus your mind on what’s really important — your connection to a loving God who walks with you, lifts you up and carries you through even the hardest times.
Just a half-hour, but this ancient form of prayer gives you a glimpse of the Infinite. Feel the presence of the Spirit in your busy day! If you’ve never experienced it before, here’s a glimpse of what Contemplative Prayer is like at PEACE Lutheran Church.
Join Pastor Eileen Smith Le Van for Contemplative Prayer, offered free each week.
Contemplative Prayer — also called “centering prayer” — has been used by Christians for centuries to hear the “still, small voice” of God speaking to us. Our national organization, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, offers some resources where you can learn more.
At PEACE Lutheran Church, prayer — spoken aloud, sung by the congregation and offered in the silence of our hearts — forms an integral part of the fabric of our Sunday worship services. You are always welcome to come on Sundays and pray along with us!