Have a cup of coffee on us!
What is a Lutheran? How are we like – and unlike – other Christians? What is PEACE Lutheran Church up to? And, how’s the coffee?

Pastor Eileen Smith LeVan and husband Brian. Pastor Eileen invites you in for a cup of coffee & a little conversation!
Pastor Eileen Smith Le Van wants to hear your questions and share her answers over a cup of coffee – or two. She’ll be in her office at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 10, and the java will be ready.
We know it can feel uncomfortable to just walk into a church you don’t know. (Even though we don’t bite!) Pastor Eileen would like to ease some of that uncertainty and discomfort by addressing questions and concerns.
Maybe you have doubts about Christianity. Maybe you have had an unhappy experience with organized religion. Despite those misgivings and unpleasant memories, people still feel a tug, a yearning.
That’s your spiritual self, seeking nourishment!
We have a lot to offer at PEACE Lutheran Church for those seeking spiritual bread. Warmth and friendship. Inspiring worship. Beautiful music. Activities for all ages. Opportunities for service.
Community service is one of the key ways we show God’s love for others. Click here to learn more.
If you’d like to contact Pastor Eileen ahead of time, call her at (530) 273-9631 or click here. Otherwise, just drop in!
By the way, did you know? “Lutheran coffee is heavenly.”