The true meaning of Christmas isn’t about feeling rushed and pressured. It’s about feeling the deep peace of God’s love in your life.
Join us and reconnect to the divine source of all good gifts!
Our Christmas Eve services:
- 4 p.m. – Lessons and Carols. At this service, we listen to the prophecies of the coming Anointed One, and to the poetic story of his coming in the form of a baby born in a stable. Between Bible readings, we sing favorite Christmas hymns that you will recognize; our music leader Anne Vaaler will have a solo. We also will celebrate Holy Communion.
- 10 p.m. – Festival Holy Communion. This is a splendid and majestic service that includes a full liturgy, powerful organ music by organist Paul Perry and singing from the Peace Choir
- A live nativity scene will follow the 10 p.m. service.
All are welcome at PEACE Lutheran Church to celebrate the birth of Jesus, God’s proof of his passionate, extravagant, and unchanging love for us.
God had promised his faithful people for generations that he would send a special person who would be a light in the darkness for all people. In Jesus, we find the Light of the World, the Prince of Peace, a Wonderful Counselor and God’s Word Made Flesh – just some of the names the Bible gives to Jesus.
So we hope you would take some time out of the busy-ness of Christmas to come, and celebrate His love with us.