Competition benefits ELCA World Hunger
Tackle Hunger today: A message from Sierra Pacific Synod Bishop Mark Holmerud:
Did you know that, for the past several years, the bishops who serve the synod where each team playing in the Super Bowl is from challenge each other and their synods to tackle hunger by supporting ELCA World Hunger? Thanks to the 49ers’ recent DRUBBING of the Green Bay Packers, the Sierra Pacific Synod is one of two synods left with a team in the Super Bowl! So now IT’S ON! Bishop Susan Candea of the Central States Synod and I are issuing a donation challenge to our synods!
The way it works is this: Our partners at ELCA World Hunger have created a crowdfunding platform where we can “pass the plate” for ELCA World Hunger. We in the Sierra Pacific Synod are rooting for the 49ers. Likewise, our siblings in Christ in the Central States Synod are rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs! We have the chance to make donations to show our support for the 49ers. Similarly, the congregations of the Central States Synod can make donations in support of the Chiefs!
While we are making these donations and cheering for our team, our main goal is that all may be fed. Debbi and I have already donated for the San Francisco 49ers – so join us in helping ELCA World Hunger in its work and witness! Please click on the link, below, to show your support for ELCA World Hunger (and for the San Francisco 49ers)!
Friendly competition to Tackle Hunger
We are in a friendly competition with the Central States Synod. Our goal: Raise money for ELCA World Hunger by supporting our respective teams — the 49ers and the Chiefs. Please encourage members of your congregation, family, and friends to make a donation by going to, and we will see which synod “wins” by raising the most money! Who knows, maybe there will be a trophy given out at the next Conference of Bishops meeting!!!
Bishop Mark Holmerud