Consecration means “the act of making sacred”
Consecration is not what usually comes to mind when we think of finances. But congregations that approach financial stewardship from a biblical perspective do not view the money Christians give to their church merely as a way to pay its bills. Rather, such congregations see financial contributions as a way to help people grow spiritually. Their relationship with God grows when they support their church’s mission and ministry with a percentage of their incomes.
ONE WORSHIP SERVICE @ 10am Sunday, Dec. 8
Our congregation’s Stewardship Team has selected the New Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program as a way to teach the biblical and spiritual principles of generous giving in our stewardship education emphasis this year.
New Consecration Sunday is based on the biblical philosophy of the need of the giver to give for his or her own spiritual development, rather than on the need of the church to receive. Instead of treating people like members of a social club who should pay dues, we will treat people like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give unselfishly as an act of discipleship. New Consecration Sunday encourages people toward proportionate and systematic giving. It asks the question, “What percentage of my income is God calling me to give?”
It’s Coming! Sunday, Dec. 8
During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, we are asking attendees and members to make their financial commitments. We are asking for support for our church’s missionary, benevolent, and educational ministries in our community and the world.
Every attendee and member who wishes to will complete an Estimate of Giving Card during morning worship on Consecration Sunday. It’s completely voluntary! We urge people to attend even if they feel strongly opposed to completing a card. The procedure is done in a way that no one feels embarrassment if they do not fill out a card.
ONE WORSHIP SERVICE @ 10am on Sunday, Dec. 8
We will do no home solicitation to ask people to complete cards. During morning worship, our guest leader will conduct a brief period of instruction and inspiration. It will culminate with members making their commitments as a confidential act of worship.
We will encourage participation in Consecration Sunday events through the Stewardship Team and congregation council members. Since we will make no follow-up visits to ask people to complete their cards, we will make every effort to inform, inspire, and commit everyone to attend Consecration Sunday worship.
Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in Consecration Sunday events.
Gratefully in Christ,
Peace Lutheran Church congregation president