God’s people get blessed in a different way!
The Beatitudes describe what it means to be blessed. But Jesus’ message in today’s Gospel raises a lot of questions. Blessed to be poor? Woe to the rich?
Christians consider the Beatitudes to be Jesus’ greatest sermon. Jesus reminds us that things the world considers blessings can lead us astray from the foundation of God’s all-satisfying love. His sermon pushes us to proclaim this truth to others – and tells us we are blessed if people shun us for our faith. (Hmmm, that doesn’t sound so comfortable.)
Jesus also calls on us to love our enemies and pray for those who attack us. (Hmmmmm, this is sounding downright difficult!) So we see, more and more, that the blessings of living in The Way may not square with what the world considers a blessed life.
Today is All Saints Sunday. So we remember that Jesus promises us that his blessings will satisfy. Regardless of what happens to us here on earth, we will live a glorious and joyful existence, with all the faithful who have gone before us, in his presence for all eternity.
“Blessed are you.” – Luke 6:20
At PEACE, we want to accompany you in living a blessed life – not necessarily in the way the world understands it, but it a way that satisfies forever!
Pastor Eileen Smith Le Van preaches today.
Today’s Bible readings: Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18; Psalm 149; Ephesians 1:11-23; Luke 6:20-31. Read them here.
Coming up at PEACE
- Mexican Train – Each week, we get together to play this fun form of dominoes. This month, we meet at 1 p.m. on Thursdays, Nov. 10 and 17, to avoid the Thanksgiving celebration.
- Adopt-a-Road – We serve our community in many ways. Join us on Saturday, Nov. 12 as we pick up litter on our stretch of West Main Street. We meet at the church at 8 a.m., don our orange vests and head out. When we finish the work, we will enjoy a no-host breakfast. Anyone age 14 or older can participate. Sign up in the Atrium to help out!
- Shoe-Box Christmas – Would you like to fill a shoe box for a deserving child in the world? Information envelopes are available in the atrium. “Operation Christmas Child” collection day is Nov. 20. Bring your filled shoe box any time before that date. Ruth Circle of Peace Lutheran Church Women offers this project – and all are invited to participate.
- More Coming Events – Learn more about events at PEACE here.
Adult Bible Study
The Adult Forum meets in the Old Fellowship Hall at 10 a.m., led by Pastor Eileen Smith Le Van. Stop in the Fellowship Center around the corner to pick up coffee & baked goods!
Youth @ Peace Sunday School
This fall, we hear stories from the Old Testament. Coming up: The Children of Israel have been wandering in the wilderness, but they cross at last into the Promised Land. Also, great stories from the period of the judges. In late November December, we shift to prepare for our Christmas program.
We start at 9:45 a.m. every Sunday, downstairs in the Youth Room. We welcome young people of all ages!
Youth @ PLC is our all-ages Bible study, where young disciples learn the core stories of our faith and what it means to walk the Jesus Path. Bring your questions, doubts and challenges to God, the Bible and the Church – they are welcome here!
Bible memory verses: Kids can earn Bible Bucks for verses they memorize and redeem them for cool prizes!
Get Involved at PEACE!
Click here to learn how to get involved at PEACE Lutheran Church.