Find God in “sacred space”!
The Irish Jesuits have a wonderful devotional website called “Sacred Space,” where they provide a guide for daily prayer and meditation. Here is the beginning of the thought for the day from a devotional early this week:
“I’m not going to deny that there is something awesome and amazing and bigger-than-I-can-fathom about God. As someone once observed, if we could understand God, then what we are understanding would not be God.
“Yet, when I think about terms such as awesome and amazing in relation to the divine, I tend to assume that they apply to the aspects of God that are majestic and powerful. I need to remind myself that maybe the characteristics of God that are bigger than I can comprehend are also the softer, more comforting ones. I need to understand that God is fathomless depths, all right, but those depths are soothing ones too.”
Would you like to read more, or experience their daily devotional guide? Go to In in, perhaps you may find a new daily companion for your walk of faith!
Bread for the Day
Another devotional tool we use at PEACE Lutheran Church is Bread for the Day, printed by Augsburg Fortress.
Sermons Coming Up
These are the sermons I’m working on for the next few weeks, all of them focused on the Lord’s Prayer. Enjoy our “sacred space” on Sunday mornings at PEACE! Worship is at 8:45 & 11 a.m.
- Aug 7 “Our Father in heaven”
- Aug 14 “Hallowed be your name”
- Aug 21 “Your kingdom come”
- Aug 28 “ Give us this day our daily bread”
- Sept 4 “ Save us from the time of trial”
Need pastoral help?
If you need to speak to a pastor, please call me at the PEACE Lutheran Church office, (530) 273-9631. Please do leave a message if I am not there.
If you are aware that a member of PEACE is in the hospital, please let me know — I may not yet be aware of it. Thank you!