Like father, like The Father
God waits for us. That’s probably the most important message of Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son in today’s Gospel reading. That’s the story of the greedy and materialistic younger son who asks Dad to get his inheritance early, then quickly squanders that wealth on wild living.
The son finally wakes up and smells the coffee. He imagines himself crawling back to Dad and begging to be treated like a hired hand – because even the gardener at Dad’s has it better than this going-nowhere life he’s living now. Spoiler alert: Instead, it’s Dad who gives up all dignity to greet, save and rejoice over the son who had wandered.
Just like the father in this story, God waits patiently for us while we fritter away the abundant gifts he has lavished on us. God never gives up the bearing-all-things love he feels for us. God throws a huge party when we finally come home. And God reminds any nay-sayers how precious we are, despite what we have done.
“This son of mine was dead and is alive again!” – Luke 15:24
Oh, what a relief! At PEACE Lutheran Church, we welcome all who have been wandering and wonder whether it’s time to come home to the Perfect, Loving, Waiting Father.
Today’s Bible Readings: Joshua 5:9-12; Psalm 32; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Today’s Sermon: Pastor Eileen Smith LeVan preaches today. Our readings today describe the “new creation” God promises to all believers.
It’s Lent, the season when we reflect on the oh-so-many ways we fall short of God’s great plans for us, and renew – every single day – our commitment to turn away from our path and, with God’s help, turn onto His path of lavish love for us.
Click here to learn about our Thursday night soup suppers and Lenten prayer services.
Adult Bible Study
Pastor Eileen leads the Adult Forum, which starts at 10 a.m. in the Old Fellowship Hall. Get your coffee & baked goods first, around the corner in the Fellowship Center!
Sunday School
All ages are welcome as we continue to learn about Jesus’ early ministry. Today’s lesson: The Last Supper – and a whole new meaning of the Passover for God’s people! We also are learning the Lord’s Prayer. Meet at 9:50 a.m. downstairs in the Youth Room. Get juice & baked goods first in the Fellowship Center!
Youth @ Peace is our all-ages Bible study, teaching key Bible stories – the cornerstone for a lifetime of faith. Younger readers, tweens and teens open each session together, have break-out groups for age-appropriate reading and discussion, then regroup for a joint closing. We also have large-group activities. Contact Trina Kleist for more information: or call/txt (530) 575-6132.
Coming Up at PEACE
- Rwanda Sunday, March 13 – Karl Smith, president of the Rwanda School Project, will present a temple talk during both worship services. During the Adult Bible Study, he will share his personal story of a walk with God as he was led down the unexpected path when he first traveled to Rwanda. A pot-luck lunch will follow the second service. There, a slide show will illustrate the most recent building project at Rwamagana Lutheran School, while Smith leads a question-and-answer period. Sign up for the lunch in the Atrium.
- Easter Egg Hunt! — Children, grandchildren, neighbors & friends will be welcomed to our Easter Egg Hunt starting at 12:30 p.m. Sunday, March 27, in the Youth Room downstairs. We’ll have two rounds of hunting: one for little tykes and another for older children.
- Donations of hard-boils eggs are needed for the egg hunt — please sign up in Atrium. Donations of Easter CANDY also are welcome! Please leave them in the basket in the Atrium. Volunteers who can help hide eggs Sunday morning also are needed. Contact Trina Kleist for more information, (530) 575-6132. This is a great opportunity to invite others to Peace!