“Be filled with the fullness of God.”
Leftovers always taste better, right? The flavors have gone through the food, and we look forward to getting some more of that good stuff. Leftovers also are a sign of abundance – we had our fill, and still, there’s more. What a miracle!
Today’s Bible lessons talk a lot about abundance and leftovers. Jesus takes five loaves and two fish, and feeds them to 5,000 people who had come to hear him teach. We get a vivid picture: enough leftovers to fill 12 baskets! At a time when food often was scarce, that imagery of abundance must have made a huge impression.
In our prosperity, we easily lose sight of real food – God’s message of love, compassion and grace, alive and working in us. If you feel the need to be filled, we invite you to eat with us and be satisfied!
We also give thanks for God’s abundant gifts to us! Our new pastor, the Rev. Eileen Smith LeVan, is coming. Her first Sunday is Aug. 2; you are welcome to a reception in her honor at 10 a.m. Aug. 2 (between worship services) in the Fellowship Center.
“Jesus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them.” – John 6:11
Today’s Bible Readings: 2 Kings 4:42-44; Psalm 145:10-18; Ephesians 3:14-21; John 6:1-21
Today’s Sermon: Pastor David Baker preaches today.
Adult Bible Study
“What have we learned in the past 29 months and 23 days?” Pastor David Baker will facilitate a discussion of this time PEACE has spent in transition between our long-time senior pastor, the Rev. Richard Johnson, and the arrival of our new pastor, the Rev. Eileen Smith LeVan. Congregation President Dennis Berg and Call Committee Chairwoman Connie Berg will be present to answer questions. Everyone is welcome as we prepare for Pastor Eileen’s arrival next Sunday.
Sunday School
Youth @ PLC (our all-ages Bible study) is on recess for the summer and will resume in late August. Contact Trina Kleist for more information about summer events and the fall program: trinakleist@gmail.com or call/txt (530) 575-6132.
Bible memory verses: If you want to work on memory verses this summer, click here to get started. For each verse learned, kids can earn Bible Bucks and redeem them for cool prizes.
Youth & Family events coming up:
- Youth & Family Sunday, Aug. 26: Young people of all ages will assume leadership roles during our 8:45 & 11 a.m. worship services.
- Ice Cream Trough Party!: Sunday, Sept. 13 will be our first day of Sunday School. Our traditional kick-off is a sweet one.
To learn more about Youth and Family programs at PEACE, click here.