God’s promises are forever: God’s love for us always takes us to a better life – if we’re willing to face who we are, acknowledge our responsibility for where we are, and look to the cross of our salvation! During this season of humility and hope, we consider how we are like our faith ancestors who wandered in the wildnerness — and complained about God’s gifts!
First Communion: Bryson Miller celebrates his First Communion at 11 a.m. worship. As part of his preparation, Bryson and his family have baked the Eucharistic bread, which will be shared at the Lord’s Table.
Today’s Bible Readings: Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21
Fourth Sunday in Lent — What’s Lent? Click here for more.
Today’s Sermon
“Take Me to a Better Life`” – During the five Sundays of Lent, we are delving into the theme of “Promises, Promises,” looking at stories of God’s enduring promise to love us and bring us back to Him. Pastor Tom Miller will preach today on the story of Moses and the bronze serpent in the wilderness; here are his teaching points:
“So must the Son of Man be lifted up.” – John 3:14
1) Complain, complain, complain.
2) Complaining people were asking Moses to take them to a “better life.”
3) God provided an out: He asked the people to face their responsibility for their predicament by gazing upon the bronze serpent that Moses lifted up.
4) Looking away from themselves, God’s people came to see that God could give them a better life.
5) A story of a snake saving a life.
6) Our “salvation” is found in facing who we are and looking to the cross.
7) As we long for the “better life,” we look to the cross to see love, hope and salvation.
Adult Bible Study
10 a.m. in the Old Fellowship Hall. Pastor Tom Miler has started a new series on the theme, “Claimed, Gathered, Sent: A conversation around mission.”
Sunday School – “Jacob: The Conniving Survivor”
Come for the story, stay for the lentil stew and barley bread!
Today we continue to explore the life of our faith ancestor Jacob, and we see how much like him we are.
Youth @ PLC (our all-ages Bible study) is “living in a tent” while we learn how God worked through people like Jacob – and still works through us! – to fulfill his covenant of love for the world. Trusting in God . . . It’s sure to take us places we never could have imagined!
Meet @ 9:50 a.m. in the Youth Room downstairs – but first, pick up cookies & juice the Fellowship Center. A fun & active program welcome to all!
Helping Hands
The Helping Hands program here at PEACE Lutheran Church supports families needing extra care such as transportation to medical appointments, home visits and meals.
Learn more by stopping by the table in the lobby today.
See more under “Latest News” & “Upcoming Events”:
– Lenten soup suppers & prayer services, March 12, 19 & 26
– Interfaith Food Ministry matching fund drive
– Second-Mile Giving in March
– Spring Spud Spectacular, March 22
– Holy Week & Easter worship services, March 29-April 5
– Youth & Family Sunday on April 26