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First Sunday in Lent – February 21, 2021

We continue our forty-day Lenten journey with Jesus, focusing on repentance, renewal, reconciliation, and God’s relationship with us through Jesus Christ. On Ash Wednesday the church began its Lenten journey toward baptismal immersion in the death and resurrection of Christ. This year, the Sundays in Lent lead us to focus on five covenants God makes […]

Worship Service March 29, 2020

Sermon Summary: On the Fifth Sunday in Lent we encounter Jesus in John 11, where we recall Jesus’ love for Mary, Martha, and Lazarus; Jesus’ raising of Lazarus from the dead; and the proclamation that Jesus is the resurrection and life. What does this Jesus story from John 11 tell us about our relationship with […]

Worship Service March 22, 2020

We are not alone. On the Fourth Sunday in Lent, Jesus meets us in John 9, in the healing of a blind man, who sees Jesus for who he is in contrast with the Pharisees, who are blind. Believing is seeing. What you see through the eyes of faith? What will you do in response […]

Jesus offers Costly perfume for the world

Jesus changes the concept of “costly perfume” Text: John 12: 1-8; Fifth Sunday in Lent Costly perfume, in Jesus’ time, sometimes consisted of the oily essence of a delicious flower called nard. Its pungent scent can fill a garden or a house. In today’s story, Jesus’ dear friends in Bethany threw him a big dinner. […]

How can we ‘bear fruit’?

Practice spiritual discipline and you will Bear Fruit Text: Luke 13:1-9; Fifth Sunday in Lent If we want to bear fruit, it helps to practice some spiritual discipline. First, our Gospel story offers some harsh imagery of followers who, Jesus implies, may have failed to bear fruit. It raises plenty of questions. (The Message’s version […]