Peace Lutheran Church in Grass Valley, CA, welcomes you to this Weekday Advent video worship experience. This time of worship combines two parts, a Musical Meditation, followed by Holden Evening Prayer, which is a setting by Marty Haugen for Holden Village, a Lutheran retreat and renewal center located near Lake Chelan in the Northern Cascades of Washington State.
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, this worship service was offered in person on Wednesday evenings during the Advent season, a time when we anticipate and prepare for the coming Christ, who is the light of the world. Prior to this Advent worship service, a soup supper was offered for fellowship, nourishment, and warmth. Gathering together for this Advent worship service provided physical and spiritual nourishment. For a total experience, we invite you to bring a cup or bowl of soup to this Advent video worship experience.
We thank the musicians, worship leaders, and video folks, who made this Advent video worship experience possible. We thank you for sharing in this worship experience with us. And we thank God for making this all possible.