2:30 p.m. Wednesdays in the Cross Room • Peace Lutheran Church • Contact: (530) 273-9631
“Be transformed.” – Romans 12:2
God gave us food for the nourishment of our bodies because he loves us completely and passionately. Yet, it’s all too easy to let food become a substitute. We really need the spiritual nourishment that God gives us through his Word, the sustaining presence of his Holy Spirit, and his Son, Jesus – the Bread of Life!
At PEACE Lutheran Church, some of us struggle with life-long habits of turning to food at times when what we really need is to remember God’s faithful presence.
Prism Nutrition & Lifestyle offers a program for everyone who wants to feel God’s love and support as they learn healthy habits regarding food.
When you come to weekly Prism meetings at PEACE, you learn to transform your attitudes about food, eating, your body and yourself. Daily Bible readings and food journaling, weekly meetings, accountability with partners, inspirational speakers and videos, and common-sense food guidelines support that transformation.
No one weighs themselves until at least six weeks into the program. And, no one ever is required to weigh themselves at all, nor to reveal their weight.
At our meetings, you will also learn to avoid foods and ingredients that can trigger cravings. That included refined sugar and flour, and any processed or packaged foods. Instead, you’ll learn to make meals using whole grains, lean meats and fresh fruits and vegetables.
You’ll feel the love and support of other people — together at work transforming their lives through Prism.
A new group starts on Wednesday, Sept. 9.
For more information about Prism Nutrition & Lifestyle, call the church office at (530) 273-9631.