God would love to hear from you at Thanksgiving!

Give thanks to the Creator of all good things! Gather with us at 5pm Wednesday, Nov. 22, at PEACE Lutheran Church.
All we have comes first from God — that’s what we believe at PEACE Lutheran Church. This blessed land we occupy and our heritage as Americans. Our freedom to worship as we choose. Even our very ability to work, even our talents and passions, certainly the good things that flow to us from this rich Earth — all come as free gifts from our loving Creator.
So, as we say in our Sunday morning worship services, “it is right for us to give thanks and praise!”
We meet on the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving Day to pause and reflect on these many good gifts. Life itself. Breath. Food. Shelter. Love and friendship. Start with that.
What do you have going on that fills you with thanksgiving joy?
At PEACE, we invite you to fill your heart with that feeling — that’s God’s love pouring down on you! With us, we invite you to lift our voices together in prayer and song to praise our gracious God of abundance!
Learn more about what’s happening this coming Sunday at PEACE Lutheran Church.