Together, we can tackle hunger!

In 2016, Youth at Peace raised $1,580 and donated nearly 30 nonperishable food items to Interfaith Food Ministry during the Souper Bowl of Caring nationwide drive to tackle hunger.
Bring your cash or check donations and nonperishable food items (nothing expired, please!) to PEACE Lutheran Church on Sunday, Feb. 5. Our youth will be collecting your generous gifts to donate to Interfaith Food Ministry, based in Grass Valley.
At PEACE Lutheran Church, we try to do as Jesus did: “When I was hungry, you fed me,” Jesus told his followers.
Every week, thousands of families in western Nevada County face hunger. At Interfaith Food Ministry, people can get fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, peanut butter, meat, milk, bread, cereal and many other food items. Much of it is donated by our local supermarkets. But much more — especially costly items such as frozen meats, and staples such as rice and beans — are purchased with donations from the kind and caring people of our community.
Interfaith Food Ministry is supported by area churches, including PEACE. On Super Bowl Sunday, Youth @ PEACE supports IFM by collecting your generous donations.
It’s part of the national Souper Bowl of Caring, held across the United States on Super Bowl Sunday to support local food pantries. The founding idea was, if every person who watched the Super Bowl would donate $1 to their local food pantry, they could “tackle hunger” in their communities.
Help us “tackle hunger” in western Nevada County!
One Worship Service
Also on Sunday, Feb. 5, PEACE will hold ONE worship service only, at 11 a.m.