Our new pastor, the Rev. Eileen Smith LeVan, will be installed at a ceremony at 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 16, at PEACE Lutheran Church. A reception, including a light meal and beverages, will follow in the Fellowship Center. All are welcome to attend!
Regional clergy from the ELCA’s Sierra Pacific Synod will attend the installation. The leader of our region, the Rev. Judith Morgado of Grace Lutheran Church in Lincoln, will preside. We welcome Pastor Judith, who was associate pastor here a few years ago.
LeVan, of Reading, Penn., in July accepted PEACE’s call to become the new senior pastor. Her first Sunday to preside at worship and preach was Aug. 2 at the 8:45 and 11 a.m. services. She will continue to preside at both services and offer adult Bible study at 10 a.m. Sundays, in the Old Fellowship Hall.
Please join us, as we give thanks to our Lord and praise for sending us our new shepherd!
To learn more about Pastor Eileen and our transition process, click here.