Get Relief from the Rush during December mini-concerts!

Members of the Colla Voce Youth Chorus surround director Anne Vaaler. They perform Christmas music in a free concert at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 6, at PEACE Lutheran Church, 828 W. Main St., near downtown Grass Valley.
The Colla Voce Youth Chorus performs music of this season before Christmas, kicking off PEACE Lutheran Church’s yearly gift to the community — December Mini-Concerts that offer relief from the holiday rush!
The Youth Chorus performs under the direction of local music teacher Anne Vaaler. These talented young people recently changed their name from Colla Voce Children’s Chorus to reflect their growth in musicianship as well as years! Anne also is our soloist for our 8:30 a.m. worship services each Sunday.
For 25 years, PEACE has offered these 30-minute moments of inspiration to help people refocus on what’s really important at this holiday. We hope you would come and enjoy it!
This year’s mini-concert line-up also includes:
- 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13: Bells of Peace handbell choir. These hand-rung bells fill the Santuary with their vibrations!
- 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 19: Strony & Greathouse. PEACE organist Walt Strony plays his own personal instrument, a Walt Strony Signature Series four-manual organ, which he designed for the Allen Organ Co. of Pennsylvania. It’s on loan to the church. Walt is joined by Thomas Greathouse, musical director of Emmanuel Episcopal Church and a masterful keyboard musician.
No offering will be taken during the concerts. If anyone wishes to donate to the Peace Organ Fund, a basket will be available at the back of the church. (Peace has launched a campaign to replace the aging organ in the sanctuary.)
Holden Evening Prayer
After each mini-concert, the audience is invited to stay for a short prayer service of evening prayers, starting about 6 p.m. each Wednesday. This ancient tradition, called vespers, follows the uplifting musical format of Holden Evening Prayer. Music includes a beautiful, modern interpretation of “The Magnificat” – or, Mary’s Song.
For more information, call (530) 273-9631.