Canceled due to the poor air quality!

The Annual Church Picnic is back from its COVID vacation and will be held on Sunday, September 11.
This year we are doing something different: Sunday worship service will be at the park followed by the picnic.

Here are some details:

• Location: Commodore Park Lake Wildwood.

• Hymn sing at 10:45 am

• Worship service at 11:00 am (arrive by 10:45 so you can be seated by 11)

• Picnic at 12:30 pm.

• Games and boat rides

• Scrumptious ribs and chicken. Salads and desserts are potluck.

• Sign-ups in the Atrium beginning August 1.

• Contributions will be requested to help defray the cost.

Let us know if you would like a ride!

 Questions or want to help? Call Ron or Conni Barker, 530-205-9581, or e-mail Conni at