Find some peace amid the political turmoil

For anyone who needs some quiet amid the political frenzy and worries of the world, PEACE Lutheran Church offers a break.

The PEACE sanctuary will be open from 8 am to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 30, to the community as a place of silence and peace. Come. Sit in the quiet, and free your mind from all the pre-election hype, from the stress over making the right choices, and feel refreshed.

We hold no political position. We support no candidate nor any political cause. But Martin Luther taught that God calls all people to exercise good judgment in matters of secular governance.

Peace offers this Day of Quiet in support of every citizen exercising the obligation to become educated on the issues we face and to make wise choices prior to Election Day, Nov. 6.

REGISTER TO VOTE! Peace also encourages all citizens to register to vote and to cast their ballots. The deadline to register is Oct. 22 – you can register online or at the Registrar of Voters office at the Rood Center in Nevada City.

Those who miss the registration deadline can fill out a conditional voter registration form and cast a conditional ballot at any Vote Center in the county. Get details and Vote Center locations.

PEACE Lutheran Church is at 828 W. Main St., near downtown Grass Valley.