Late yesterday afternoon we received an email from Bishop Holmerud of the Sierra Pacific Synod, strongly urging “all congregations and ministries to suspend worship and other activities through Palm Sunday, April 5th, and possibly beyond that date”. He also encouraged all community activities that take place at church sites to be suspended for the same period of time. The PLC Congregational Council has voted to move forward with these recommendations effective immediately.
Nurture your faith while you stay at home
We are actively looking at ways to “meet electronically” on line. Currently our Sunday sermons are recorded and available to hear at our website. We are checking into the possibility of filming Pastor’s sermons in the near future.
The Council is asking the leaders of our small groups, women’s circles, men’s groups to check in on their members via telephone or email. It is important that we stay connected and provide support to each other as we self-isolate. If you or someone you know needs help with personal needs ie shopping, meals, etc, please let Jean Sinclair, chair of the Personal Needs Ministry or pastor or myself know.
Offerings can continue to be made either on our website or by sending your checks directly to our office. Through all of this, PLC will continue to have week-to-week and month-to-month financial needs such as mortgages, staff salaries, special ministries. We realize not all of our members will be able to continue their support based on changes in employment or retirement savings.
A letter from Pastor Bill and myself will be going out to all members today. If you know of someone who doesn’t have email, please call them and let them know of the changes.
God’s Love and Peace be with you all.
Carolynn Peterson
Council President