Donations to Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund go to work!

Bob Duegan, on the banjo, and Thomas Greathouse, on piano, joined nearly 30 other musicians in PEACE’s Texas Hurricane Fundraising Concert on Sept. 3.
Thank you, western Nevada County! PEACE Lutheran Church’s appeal on behalf of Texas hurricane victims raised $13,718!
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey’s battering of eastern Texas, we at PEACE organized an impromptu fundraising concert. We hatched the idea on a Tuesday, and held the concert on the next Sunday. Just five days to prepare!
Yet people responded with a spontaneous generosity that stunned us. More than $7,000 was raised during our Sept. 3 concert at PEACE. More donations came through our congregation, online donations and checks sent by mail.
Thank you to 31 musicians who performed, including nearly 20 members of the Grass Valley Male Voice Choir. You turned out on a holiday weekend, giving your time for this cause!
Thank you, also, to local media and Music in the Mountains, for publicizing this effort. We could not have reached so many people without your help.
Texans now are rebuilding, a process that will take years, impacted by more disasters in the region and around the world. So, our fundraising drive is by no means complete! Please visit our secure site to donate at any time.
Donations go entirely to Lutheran Disaster Response. This outreach of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has been working on the ground since before Harvey hit to help Texans prepare, cope and now, to rebuild their lives.
Please note that PayPal deducts 2.5 percent of online donations as a transaction fee. If you would prefer to avoid that fee, please make out your check to Lutheran Disaster Response and send it to PEACE Lutheran Church at 828 W. Main St., Grass Valley, CA 95945.
Your generosity shows that what unites us is greater than what divides us.
Thank you again!
– Walt Strony, organist