Trails walk links to community in Rwanda
Trails in western Nevada County, Calif., and community services in the African nation of Rwanda come together at 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 16, in a fundraiser hosted by PEACE Lutheran Church.
Participants will walk local trails that day – and they’ll be asking friends and neighbors to sponsor them.
“Organizers hope to raise $1,000 to support grass-roots efforts in Rwandan villages that improve the lives of ordinary people”, said Jim Line, chairman of PEACE’s Rwanda Connection Committee. “That’s the amount the committee donated to the work last year, and they hope to match or exceed that level.”, Line added.
Walkers will gather at 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 16, at PEACE for a short rally, then carpool to the three nearby trailheads. Participants can walk just one trail or all three, as they choose. “The Alan Thiesen Trail in Alta Sierra, the Litton Trail in Grass Valley and the Hirschman Trail in Nevada City are fairly short and level.”, Line added. Trail hosts from Peace will offer support until 12 p.m.
The Bear Yuba Land Trust offers information about the three trails on its trail portal.
Every penny raised in the “Walk for Rwanda” will support the work of the Rev. John Rutsindintwarane – or “Pastor John,” as Peace members call him. Pastor John helped restart the Lutheran Church in Rwanda after the 1994 genocide and has been active in helping ordinary people there start schools, health clinics and a women’s cooperative making roofing tile.
Rwanda Connection
PEACE’s connection to Rutsindintwarane dates back to 1995, when a former church member met Pastor John at a refugee camp in Tanzania. Since then, PEACE has supported the pastor and the Lutheran Church in Rwanda in different ways as he helped refugees return to their country, seek reconciliation with former enemies and rebuild their country. “He (Rev. John Rtinsindintwarane) now is the Rwandan church’s assistant bishop, but takes no salary for that work.” Line said.
And the connection to local trails? Line and fellow Rwanda committee member Barbara Gable love to walk and hike. “We want to promote local trails and encourage people to walk and invite others to join them,” Line said.
Donations may be made here at PEACE’s secure website. Please know that Paypal charges us a 2.2% transaction fee, but every penny beyond that fee will support Pastor John’s work on the ground. It WILL NOT support his or anyone else’s salary or overhead.
To send a check — and NO FEE is deducted for that:
- Make out your check to PEACE Lutheran Church.
- Write “Rwanda Fund” in the memo line.
- Mail it to PEACE Lutheran Church, 828 W. Main St., Grass Valley, CA 95945.
Thank you for your generous support! You are helping to change people’s lives with your donation.