Notice of Congregational Meeting – One worship service at 11am
PEACE Lutheran Church’s Congregation Council has called a Special Meeting on Sunday, May 21, immediately following the 11 a.m. worship service.
We pray that every member of PEACE would attend this very important meeting! We pray for open hearts and our minds set on Christ, who unites us in one Spirit. And so, we trust that God, our Father and Lord, will guide us as we work to strengthen our community of faith.
At PEACE, we believe God calls us to be thoroughly His. He gathers us in this place, nourishes us with His Word and with the meal of Holy Communion, then He sends us out into the world to do His will. We pray that our hearts would be good soil for the seeds he plants in us!
So, in that faith and trust, we pray that all PEACE members would worship with us at 11 a.m. Sunday, May 21, and gather for this very important meeting afterward.
Learn more
For more about the May 21 meeting, please contact Pastor Eileen Smith Le Van at (530) 273-9631.