Nope, can’t love my enemies, Jesus!
Jesus asks us to love each other. “OK, I can do that.” Then he asks us to love our enemies. We have to pray for people who hate us and are mean to us.
“Whoa, now, Jesus! Haven’t you gone too far with that faith business?” Now we’re getting to the tough nut of belief in a God of love. Ours is a God of mercy and forgiveness. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us we have to respond to others – even to our enemies – with kindness, generosity and love. Why? Because that’s how God is, and we are trying to be God-like.
Yowee! How hard is that??? It’s a good thing Jesus is right here with us, every minute, praying with us as we beg God for the strength and the trust to live out our faith in a God of love.
“Love your Enemies.” – Matthew 5:44
At PEACE Lutheran Church, we do our best to build each other up to live a life of loving service to the world. We would love to love on you too!
Today’s Bible readings: Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18; Psalm 119:33-40; 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23; Matthew 5:38-48. Read them here.
The Rev. Eileen Smith Le Van preaches today.
Toddler Time
God welcomes even the tiniest of disciples. Toddler Time is for all children from babies to 4 years old. Parents are welcome to stay and participate, or leave their little ones and attend Adult Forum.
We start out with music in our all-ages Sunday School opening at 9:45 a.m., downstairs in the Youth Room. Then, parents and tots head upstairs to the Nursery. Our 45-minute “Frolic” curriculum is fun for children and parents. Call Youth & Outreach Coordinator Trina Kleist at (530) 575-6132 to learn more.
Happening at PEACE
- VIA Christ – Vibrancy in Action Through Christ is an initiative at PEACE to help us renew our commitment to mission and outreach. It’s to help us live out our faith, together and with others. Meet with us at 9:45 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 26, between worship services. We welcome your support and participation!
- “The King of Kings” – 4 p.m. Sunday, March 5 – Free! Enjoy this silent film classic the way it was originally intended: with live music! Director Cecil B. DeMille’s story of the life of Jesus comes to our Sanctuary with the stirring organ performance of our very own Walt Strony. Did you know: Walt is one of the nation’s foremost performers of theater organ (the type used to accompany silent films).
- Lenten Prayer Breakfast – 8-10 a.m. Wednesday, March 22, in the Fellowship Center. $10. Continental breakfast followed by a Prayer Service. Pastor Jason Bense will share information about “Declaration on the Way,” a document that describes the ways areas in which Lutherans and Roman Catholics agree on matters of faith. Registration forms and a sign-up are in the Atrium. For more information, contact Brian Smith at
- Coming Up – Learn more about events at PEACE here.
Adult Bible Study
The Adult Forum meets in the Old Fellowship Hall at 10 a.m. Pastor Eileen leads. Stop in the Fellowship Center around the corner to pick up coffee & baked goods!
Sunday School for children & youth
Meet at 9:45 a.m. in the Youth Room downstairs. Young people of all ages are welcome!
Youth @ PEACE is our all-ages Bible study, where young disciples learn the core stories of our faith and what it means to walk the Jesus Path. This winter, we are learning about the life of Jesus (he was a kid, too). We welcome all who yearn to learn more about our loving, gracious Creator!
Bring your questions, doubts and challenges to God, the Bible and the Church – they are welcome here!
Bible memory verses: Kids can earn Bible Bucks for verses they memorize and redeem them for cool prizes! Our goal is for young people to bring God’s word deep into their hearts, supporting a lifetime of faith.
Get Involved at PEACE!
Click here to learn how to get involved at PEACE Lutheran Church.