Will we learn from them?
In Jesus’ time, Samaritans were outsiders. They were a Jewish minority with a different history and even different worship practices from the majority based in Jerusalem. “Good” Jews looked down on them as being less, as not good enough.
So it would be just like Jesus to tell a parable making the Samaritans the good guys. In his famous story we know as “The Good Samaritan,” Jesus paints the “good” religious leaders of his time as the guys who fail to take action when a fellow human being is hurting.
In “The Good Samaritan,” a traveler gets robbed, beaten up and left for dead. First, a priest walks by. Today, we could think of him as the pastor of a big church, maybe a spiritual guru with a million Facebook friends or the writer of best-selling self-help books. But this important religious leader just walks past the hurting man.
Second, a Levite walks by. Today, we could think of him like a political party leader with all the right credentials, maybe a legislator of national importance or a darling of the news-talk shows. But this important opinion-shaper just walks past the hurting man.
“Go and do likewise.” – Luke 10:37
Then, a Samaritan comes along. A second-class citizen who doesn’t follow the rules. Someone to be suspicious of. But the Samaritan stops, helps the hurting man, spends his own money to have him cared for, and promises to follow up with whatever the man needs to recover.
What would Jesus have you do?
At PEACE, we are trying to “go and do likewise.” We welcome all who, like us, yearn for a world in which we love, help and heal each other, regardless of the human-made barriers that would divide us.
Pastor Eileen Smith LeVan preaches today.
Today’s Bible readings: Deuteronomy 30:9-14; Psalm 25:1-10; Colossians 1:1-14; Luke 10:25-37
Coming up at PEACE
- Blessed to Be a Blessing. How have you experienced God’s blessings in your life? Share your story with us on our “Blessed to Be a Blessing” board in the Atrium. Take a moment to read the stories from your sisters and brothers in Christ that are posted there.
- Prism Lifestyle & Nutrition – Achieve your right weight in a supportive atmosphere and using a God-centered program. Learn that God really is in charge of your life! Prism classes have resumed, meeting at 2:30 p.m. Wednesdays in the Cross Room. Contact Carol Lenhard at (530) 264-7664.
- More Coming Events – Learn more about events at PEACE here.
Adult Bible Study
The Adult Forum meets in the Old Fellowship Hall at 10 a.m., led by Pastor Eileen Smith Le Van.
Youth @ Peace Sunday School
We are on break for the summer, but stay posted for Family Night events!
Youth @ PLC is our all-ages Bible study, where young disciples learn the core stories of our faith and what it means to walk the Jesus Path. Bring your questions, doubts and challenges to God, the Bible and the Church – they are welcome here!
Bible memory verses: Kids can earn Bible Bucks for verses they memorize and redeem them for cool prizes!
Get Involved at PEACE!
Click here to learn how to get involved at PEACE Lutheran Church.