Oh, but it’s sooo hard to follow!
We want to be in charge. We think that’s what we’re supposed to do. When Jesus invites us to follow him, we might accept in a rush of excitement. Instinctively, we sense the blessing this brings to our lives – we know in our hearts that what Jesus says is true!
Then reality sets in. In today’s Gospel story, some people who are invited to follow Jesus would rather stick to the prejudices they already know and love. They’re not ready for God’s Kingdom, the upside-down-place where the poor and outcast lead – who wants to follow them?
The draw of the world and our own bodies can be soooo strong! As St. Paul wrote, we are tempted by “fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry (how much do you love your clothes/car/job/social media profile/cell phone?), enmities, strife, jealousy, anger, quarrels, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing and things like these.” (Yowee!)
Still, Jesus patiently and lovingly renews his invitation: Follow me! It won’t always be easy. People won’t always understand or agree. But St. Paul reminds Jesus’ followers what awaits: “love, joy, peace patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Doesn’t that sound like a relief after a lifetime of thinking you have to be in charge?
At PEACE, we work hard to follow – and sometimes, we get close to succeeding. (-: We would like to walk that Path with you!
“Follow me!” – Luke 9:59
Pastor Eileen Smith LeVan preaches today.
Today’s Bible readings: 1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-21; Psalm 16; Galatians 5:1, 13-25; Luke 9:51-62
Coffee Fellowship
We Lutherans really enjoy our coffee & baked goodies, so please, come have a snack with us! After each worship service, we gather in our Fellowship Center for refreshments and conversation. Come make new friends!
Adult Bible Study
Lutheran 101 – Would you like to know more about what Lutherans believe? Are you interested in joining PEACE Lutheran Church? This class will answer basic questions – or use it to review what you learned in Confirmation a million years ago! Adult Forum will be led by Pastor Eileen Smith Le Van. Pick up some coffee in the Fellowship Center, then meet in the Old Fellowship Hall next door at 10 a.m.
Youth @ Peace Sunday School
We are on break for the summer, but stay posted for Family Night events!
Youth @ PLC is our all-ages Bible study, where young disciples learn the core stories of our faith and what it means to walk the Jesus Path. Bring your questions, doubts and challenges to God, the Bible and the Church – they are welcome here!
Bible memory verses: Kids can earn Bible Bucks for verses they memorize and redeem them for cool prizes!
Coming up at PEACE
- Blessed to Be a Blessing. How have you experienced God’s blessings in your life? Share your story with us on our “Blessed to Be a Blessing” board in the Atrium. Take a moment to read the stories from your sisters and brothers in Christ that are posted there.
- July 3rd – One worship service at 10 a.m.
- Honors for Pastor David Baker – Also on July 3, we will honor Pastor David Baker and his wife, Gloria, for their years of dedicated service to PEACE. A lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. after the single 10 a.m. service. Sign-ups for attending, for preparing food and helping are on the table in the Atrium. We know you will want to wish them well as they prepare to move out of the area.
- Prism Lifestyle & Nutrition – Achieve your right weight in a supportive atmosphere and using a God-centered program. Learn that God really is in charge of your life! Prism classes have resumed, meeting at 2:30 p.m. Wednesdays in the Cross Room. Contact Carol Lenhard at (530) 264-7664.
- More Coming Events – Learn more about events at PEACE here.
Get Involved at PEACE!
Click here to learn how to get involved at PEACE Lutheran Church.