Today we contemplate the Holy Trinity. This is the three-persons-in-one-God concept that is central to Christianity – the persons of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It’s also the first Sunday after Pentecost, the day when we remembered God sending his Holy Spirit to Jesus’ followers after Jesus ascended into Heaven.
“No one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.” – John 3:5
As baptized people trying to walk the path of Jesus, we live a trinitarian life: Through baptism, we are reborn of the Spirit. The Spirit blows through us. We can confidently call God “Daddy!” as adopted children of God. God sends us, as the brothers and sisters of Jesus, into the world to suffer with all people and creation. This same Spirit raises us from every death in this life – and at the end of this life, God’s Spirit will raise us into the next life.
Honoring our graduates: Also today at the 8:45 a.m. worship service, we honor our young people who are graduating from high school. The talented and generous ladies of Peacemakers have made quilts for the grads – each quilt as beautiful and unique as the recipient! We pray that these quilts will continue to minister to our young people as they embark on the next chapters of their lives, being a warm and welcome witness to God’s enduring love for them.
Today’s Bible Readings: Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29; Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17
Adult Bible Study
10 a.m. in the Old Fellowship Hall.
Pastor Lynne Ogren will discuss the rich biblical descriptions of God, based on the book “Wearing God” by Lauren F. Winner. On this Trinity Sunday, as we celebrate God in three persons, we also will consider some of the many ways Scripture helps us relate to our mysterious yet intimate God.
Sunday School
10 a.m. downstairs in the Youth Room.
Younger children will learn how the Holy Spirit swooped down onto Jesus’ followers at Pentecost.
Teens will discuss the qualities the earliest believers were taught to embrace and embody: Love, manifested as patience, kindness, humility and endurance.
Youth @ PLC (our all-ages Bible study) has been “living in a tent” while we learn how God worked through faith ancestors Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. But during the season of Pentecost, we are switching gears to learn more about the earliest Christians and how they lived out the new covenant God had long promised.